
Brandon BPHERO

1017 Kingsway Road
Brandon, Florida 33510
Details & About


The purpose of Backpack Heroes is to create a much larger positive impact on families in our community by consolidating numerous smaller back-to-school events in the East Hillsborough area. This event is geared to provide school-age children with backpacks in time for school and educate parents on the resources available to them in the East Hillsborough community. Through Backpack Heroes families learn about tools and resources available to them in the community to assist them in their mission to provide and succeed.
  1. Select needs
  2. Login or Register
  3. Confirmation
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This event contains good(s) needs that have been hidden. Uncheck "Bring a group" to view.
The selected group is too large for all of the available needs. Select a different group or create a new group to proceed.
No groups found. Create a small group to proceed.
You have selected one or more needs with special requirements. Please click on the need for more information and please read the requirements carefully.
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Member Login

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Login & Confirm

Create New Account

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Ooops... Please select a church / company or select "Other" or "None".
Ooops... Please enter a valid ten-digit phone number with area code first. Example: 555-555-5555
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Ooops... Please enter a valid e-mail address. Example: jsmith@example.com
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  We also recommend reading our Privacy Policy.
Create & Confirm


Thank you for agreeing to meet the need(s) you selected. Your willingness to share your time and belongings with others is very generous and will be a tremendous blessing to them.

Below are the details for your commitment(s):

You have selected one or more needs with special requirements. Please click on the need below for more information and please read the requirements carefully.
Your group has been signed up for these needs and members will receive confirmation e-mails.

There are three simple steps for completing your commitment:

Arrange Logistics (If Necessary)
The organization above has been notified that you have agreed to meet this need. If there are any logistics to be arranged for meeting this need, the organization above will contact you or you may call or e-mail them if you are uncertain as to next steps.

Meeting the Need
In many cases, “meeting the need” may involve dropping off used items to be delivered to a local family, spending time volunteering to help a ministry on the weekends, or even going on a missions trip. Whatever need you have decided to meet, we hope you have a wonderful experience blessing others with your time, energy and belongings.

After Donating
After you meet this need, please complete the commitment process by logging in and:

  • Click on My Pending Commitments on your Dashboard
  • Click on the pending commitment that you just completed
  • Enter the estimated value of the item or service, if applicable
  • Provide a brief testimonial describing your experience meeting this need
  • Press the Submit button so we will know that this need has been met

Should you decide not to meet any of these needs for any reason, you may cancel that commitment by going to My Pending Commitments on your Dashboard and selecting Cancel. Please cancel the commitment as soon as you decide not to meet that need…until you do, others who may have been able to meet that need will not be able to see it when they search.

Thank you again for your kind donations.


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Ooops... incorrect e-mail address. Please check the your entry carefully and try again.
Ooops... this account has been deactivated. Please contact us for further assistance.
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Copyright 2014 Bay Life Church.