Case Study #1 - Bell Shoals Baptist Church
BackgroundBell Shoals is a large church that has true passion for the community and has been very active in outreach for years. As evidence of that commitment, it maintains a team of staff members dedicated to local outreach. Yet managing the inflow of requests and finding the right people to meet the needs of ministries (both those operating within Bell Shoals and other ministry partners throughout the Brandon area) still remained a daunting task. The church needed some way to get beyond its manual processes for communicating and fulfilling needs to have the kind of impact that it could have as a church of several thousand members. Role of Meet The NeedMeet The Need was exactly what the church had been looking for to automate its outreach processes. By connecting internal and external ministries directly with church members on its web site (which is powered by Meet The Need), the outreach staff was no longer mired in “administrivia”; instead, it is now free to work on planning bigger and better ways to impact the community. Bell Shoals chose to introduce BSBC Connect to the ministries and its members through a Ministry Fair at the church. As members walked around each booth and talked to ministries, they signed up with those they were interested in possibly assisting in the future. Those sign ups were entered into the BSBC Connect system (i.e. Meet The Need), allowing ministry leaders to keep track of those who has a heart for the work they are doing and stay connected with those individuals automatically. In fact, whenever ministries post new needs, each Bell Shoals member who “joined” their ministry receives an automated e-mail telling them to log in to see those new needs! Success StoryMeet The Need is helping Bell Shoals bring its outreach efforts into the 21st century! In addition to managing their outreach activities more efficiently, Bell Shoals is already seeing more members get plugged into a wider range of opportunities to serve others and live out their faith. |